15 Ways To Boost Your Brain And Ensure Academic Success

1)Meditate:Meditation has been known to increase IQ, relieve stress, and promotes higher levelsof brain functioning. Meditation also activates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, an area responsible for advanced thinkingability and performance.

2)Draw A Picture:Drawing stimulates the right-hemisphere of the brain and inspires creativity. Get out the colored pencils and begin drawing your way to a powerful brain.

3)Exercise:Long-term exercise has been proven to increase brainpower and even create new neurons in the brain. Go out and get a natural high off of your own brain chemistry through exercise!

4)Brainwave Entrainment:Brainwave entrainment is a safe, innovative way to stimulate and shape the brain and it’s functioning. You can literally build up more control over your life and harness your brain’s potential!
5)Avoid Junk Food:Junk food has been proven to decrease energy in the body and promotes brain fog.¡± Cut some junk food from your diet, and reap the benefits ofa more calm, focused brain chemistry.

6)Deep Breathing:Deep breathingactually increases oxygen levels and blood-flow to the brain. 10-15minutes of daily deep breathing can make a huge difference in the quality of your life and brain’s functioning potential.

7)Learn A New Language:Learning adds more structure to the brain and improves the brain’s speech centers. Hablas espanol? It may be time for you totake a class or program to supplement your job-skills and brain power!

8)Take Fish Oil:Fish oil supplements are literally like membrane material for the brain.The 2 primary components of EPAand DHA each act to strengthen both the emotional center of the brain and boost focus. There is an increase in overall brain activity after taking fish oil for awhile.

9)Laugh It Up:Laughter causes a natural release of the brain’s endorphins chemicals that drown out pain and increase overall well being. Laughter is a well known, natural stress reducer. Watch a comedy, crack a joke, and increase those endorphin levels!

10)Engage In Debate:A good, healthy debate strengthens the brain’s ability to think quickly and apply intelligence to verbal situations. Work to build up your brain power by engaging in plenty of healthy debate.

11)Take A Multivitamin:Vitamins are great for the brain, and if it does not get enough of a certain vitamin through daily diet, consider a multivitamin. Multivitamins help facilitate the functioning of a healthy body and enriched brain. Start popping a vitamin each morning for awhile and chances are good that you’ll notice a difference!

12)Drink Red Wine:Alcohol in moderation has been proven to be good for the brain. Why? It is rich in antioxidants chemicals thatactually protect the brain! One glass daily for women and two for men is generally considered a healthy amount.

13)Eat Healthy:You know what healthy is, so why not eat healthy and improve your brain? The brain requires a certain amount of energy to reach it’s maximum level of functioning. Eating chocolate cake and chips instead of fish and legumes, well maybe that’s why you cannot think clearly.

14)Change Your Environment:To keep your brain properly stimulated, it is important to keep changing your environment. Drivea new route to work, eat at a new restaurant on Friday night. Changing the environment helps change the brain!

15)Set Goals:Setting goals activates areas of the brain associated with positive thinking and action. Setting goals is great for achieving success and prosperity in life and boosting your brain.


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