19 Year Old Student Slits His Penis After Stabbing His Mum

A nineteen year old student stabbed his mother and slashed his manhoodafter after he was believed to have taken party drug mephedrone, commonly known as meow meow.The 19-year-old student hacked at hisprivate parts with a knife after attacking his mother at their family home, it was claimed.He was discovered hanging out of a bedroom window, blood gushing from his groin after his terrified mother called emergency services to the house in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.Both he and his 46-year-old mother, neither of whom have been named, were rushed to hospital by ambulance with injuries described as life threatening after the attack on December 29, according to the Mirror.Yesterday she was described as beingin a stable condition at the Royal Sussex County hospital in Brighton.Surgeons at University College London hospital are thought to have re-attached the teenager’s penis, and his condition was also described as stable.He is believed to have taken mephedrone, a former so-called legal high also known as M-Cat which was outlawed in 2010, before the attack.A family friend told the Mirror that the usually bright teenager had started experimenting with drugs, and had returned to his family home for his Christmas break from university.‘He had come home from university for Christmas. ‘It looks like he took mephedrone and completely flipped out attacking his mum and then himself,’ said the source.‘When the police arrived they found him hanging from a window and thendiscovered he had cut off his penis.’Sussex Police have been investigatingan allegation of assault on the mother, and have said that officers are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.


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